Surfing has always been tied to almost everything I do. It has integrated itself into all facets of my life, and pottery is no exception. Both throwing and surfing require the ability to not force things, and to work with the natural flow to achieve the best results. When trimming on the wheel you are slowly carving away the surface of the pot. Working with the shape of the clay. In surfing trimming applies to the way you can manipulate the shape and surface of the wave to help you gain momentum. You’re working with the wave to maximizes that energy.


I want people to approach pottery with the same mentality they have for their produce and food. It’s nicer knowing where it came from and who it came from. I make pots not just for someone to use, but to also give that person a connection directly to me. To make the experience more personal. The world is filled with one time use items and products that are factory made with no personality. When most things are manufactured I’m proud to be producing handmade one-of-a-kind pieces with that have a distinct individual flare and not a serial number.